Bank Status/Acknowledgements

When you e-file a return with a bank product, the Bank Manager gives you the status on the approval of the bank product and the status of the return in relation to the EFC and the IRS. If your e-file receives a Rejected bank status, you must correct the bank errors displayed in E-file Manager, then re-create and re-transmit the bank application. For complete instructions, see Re-Creating Bank Applications.

This table defines acknowledgement information that can appear in the Bank Status column on the Bank Products Tab and Disbursements Tab of the Bank Manager.




The e-file (with bank product) has been created and the return is ready to be transmitted to the Electronic Filing Center (EFC).
Next Step: Transmit E-file.

Transmitted to EFC

The return has been successfully transmitted to the EFC. Its status on our server does not allow it to be re-transmitted.
Next Step: Wait for acknowledgements.

Transmitted to Bank or Agency

The return has been transmitted to the bank or appropriate tax agency.
Next Step: Wait for acknowledgements.

Rejected by EFC

The return contains errors that must be corrected. It has not been transmitted to the IRS or state. Next Step: Correcting E-file Rejection Errors.

Rejected by Bank

The e-file was successfully transmitted to and received by the IRS or state, but it contained errors relating to the bank product.
Next Step: Correcting E-file Rejection Errors


Return was successfully transmitted to and accepted by the IRS or state. The bank application was also accepted, and a disbursement has been scheduled. To view the scheduled disbursement, refer to Bank Products Tab and look in the Disbursement Detail area.

Bank Product Status is Updated when Federal E-file Status Changes

Unless the bank product has been rejected by the bank, the bank product status will change according to the chart below if there is a change to the Federal e-file status:

If Fed E-file Status Changes to...

...then Bank Status Changes to...

...unless the Bank Status Is...


Rejected by EFC

Rejected by Bank

Rejected by Agency

Rejected by EFC

Rejected by Bank


See Also:

E-file Statuses

Correcting E-file Rejection Errors